Tag Archives: recipes

EB Patients’ Favorite Foods

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It is excruciatingly hard to feed a child with RDEB (Recessive Dystrophic EB). The mouth, throat and esophagus are prone to blisters, which, in turn, can and will produce scar tissue-enough to obstruct the passage of food through the esophagus. Because of this, RDEB children and adults can only eat mushy or liquid foods-or, at…

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High Calories, EB Friendly Recipes

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Collected by Melanie (Logan) England unless otherwise noted We all know how hard it is for EB patients to get enough calories and protein into their diet, especially when they have esophageal complications and require a soft diet. Here are a few recipes that have worked well in our home. Homemade Spaghetti-Os 2 cups cooked…

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