EB Awareness Blinkies

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Here are some blinkies free for the taking. You do not need to link back to ebinfoworld.com, but, of course, it would be nice if you did 🙂

NO DIRECT LINKING PLEASE!! Simply right click and save.

The following blinkies are also free for the taking, but since they were made specifically for this website, I do require a link back to ebinfoworld.com… pretty please?



GENERIC w/Dollies

Couple Dollies

Pregnant Dollies

Mommy Dollies

Fairies/Angel Dollies


Want to link to EBINFOWORLD.COM w/ a dolly from Message Boards, a website, blog or MY SPACE?

Simply copy and paste the following code in either your signature on Message Boards or in anywhere on your profile on MY SPACE:


For more information about Epidermolysis Bullosa, please visit EB Info World



The following blinkies are made by Cristina. If you put one on your website please link it to www.ebinfo.homestead.com.
No need to link if you just want to use them in e-mails.

The following blinkie was made by Emily.

The following blinkies were made by Jennifer.


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