Simplex Clinical Pictures


Before you scroll down, please be forewarned that this page includes several pictures of wounds related to the ‘Simplex’ form of EB. These are not pretty pictures. They are up on
this site to give family, friends, and people in general an idea of how brutal EB is to
every child afflicted with this dreadful condition.

These pictures are NOT public domain. They are not intended to be posted elsewhere on the web. Thank you for understanding.


The following pictures are of patients with the ‘Simplex’ form of EB.

William’s left leg (above) and right heel (below) is shown as being a fairly severe case. William has the Dowling Meara subtype, which is a form of Simplex that ‘can be’ very severe at birth (although is not always) and is, according to descriptions, the more severe form of Simplex.
I encourage parents of less severe forms of the DM form to send pictures to post so new parents can have a broad idea of what to expect. Thank you.

Below, William overall body at 9 months of age. He is improving a great deal, which is typical for Simplex patients. As her mom says: “He is just about 9 months now…and what a difference! Still a lot of work, we drain about 80 or so blisters a day, some days are better than others.”

Below, William overall body at 5 years of age.


Above and Below the hands of an infant with the Weber Cockayne form of Simplex.

Above the blister of an adult female with the Weber Cockayne form of Simplex.


Above and Below… a foot and a hand blister from a patient with some unidentified
form of EB Simplex.

If you would like to submit photos for this page relating to the Simplex form of EB,
please LIKE the EB Info World Facebook page and look under INFO for the email address to send the photos to OR simply leave a comment below with your contact info and I will contact you! <3


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