Thick Skinned

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Thick Skinned
by Dan Cogliano

About the Author
Dan Cogliano was born with a condition (yes, Epidermolysis Bullosa)
that in some people makes even the touch of another human or drink from a glass of water a potential cause for medical treatment. But Dan’s perseverance in the face of this malady paid off big time.
First, as an actor, he appeared on the daytime soap opera “Another World” and in over two dozen off-Broadway classical repertory productions. Then he went on to the job of vice president in the international marketing division of “Merrill Lynch.” And along the way he became a husband, father, and athlete.

Book Description
Here is a personal story of how we are shaped by the life we are dealt and how by rising to those challenges we forge our own lives. This is a story of getting through the pain, the tough times, and the seemingly impossible. Above all, it is story of what it means to
be human. hello

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