New Low Price for Kindle versions!

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Hello everyone,

just a quick notice!

The Kindle editions of BOTH Living with Epidermolysis Bullosa and Special Mommy Chronicles are now available for the NEW low price of $2.99! Click the covers below to be taken to their respective page at

If you don’t have a kindle, the APPS are FREE for all platforms, including PC & MACs! Get it HERE!!

Thank you SO MUCH!!

Mom to 3 boys, 1 in heaven, 2 on earth. My first son Alex (whose demise is most likely EB related) was stillborn at full term. After a miscarriage, I had my second son Nicky, who has the Recessive Dystrophic form of Epidermolysis Bullosa. My youngest son, Connor, is 100% healthy, and I never, ever take it for granted. I am an author, photographer, graphic artist, webmaster, blogger and more.

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